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Rwanda Buremera MIG

Rwanda Buremera MIG

Batdorf & Bronson® Coffee Roasters is proud to announce the return of our Rwanda Buremera. In the cup you will once again find flavors of pomegranate, strawberry and subtle hints of watermelon, in a clean and crisp delivery. The finish to this contemporary African offering is long and sweet.

The Rwanda Buremera is a 100% Bourbon varietal that is grown in high altitude small farms in the hills of the Buremera region (view map) of Southeast Rwanda. Approximately 1000 farmers deliver their cherries to MIG’s (Multisector Investor Group, LTD) Buremera washing station. These farmers each own an average of 200 coffee trees. Most of Buremera’s families are second- or third-generation coffee farmers. This coffee is naturally fermented and once complete, the coffee is washed 4 or 5 times before it is bathed in a spring water and then sun dried. The Rwanda Buremera MIG coffee made a name for its self in 2008 during the first-ever Cup of Excellence competition held in Africa, where it won first place and also ranked 3rd and 9th. The group effort of the individual Buremera region farmers are obviously making an impact on the coffee world and we are excited to once again be offering the exceptional coffee from this region.

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