We wanted to let you know that we are undergoing some branding changes. You may have noticed that our main website now redirects to dancinggoats.com and perhaps you saw a previous announcement about the new website.
Batdorf & Bronson® and Dancing Goats® Coffee have been linked for quite some time, but we've found that over time juggling two brand names has been the source of some confusion. With that said, we've decided a branding change is necessary. Nothing is changing with us, other than our name. We're in a transition period where we'll eventually be seen on all platforms simply as "Dancing Goats® Coffee." We are still the same company and the same friendly people behind the specialty-grade beans you know and love. We're just getting a bit of a makeover. 🙂
We would like to ask you to follow our other accounts to stay up on all our future news and offerings. Thank you so much!