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Stevens Pass: A New Season

Stevens Pass, Double Diamond Blend, Ski Lodge, Local Partnership, Olympia, Winter, Stevens Pass 2

When I was 10 years-old I was initiated into the world of alpine skiing, riding a bright yellow school bus full of (mostly) happy youngsters up winding Highway 2 to Stevens Pass Ski Area. We looked up at those gleaming white peaks as we stepped off the bus into the crusty snow of the parking lot and felt a chill of fear and excitement. Here in the northwest, where Batdorf & Bronso®n got our start over 30 years ago, we have some serious passions. Coffee is one; skiing another. Being blessed with a spine of mountains that boasts more alpine lakes than the actual Alps and hundreds of miles of hiking trails, spring and summer are nice enough. But in the winter, every North-westerner worth their weight in ski wax pulls out their snowshoes and skis and heads to the hills. This last fall I got to take that long ride back up highway 2 with other Batdorf & Bronson® team members as we pursued the chance to become the official coffee sponsor of this storied alpine sports park. This winter, we won that chance; 600,000 visitors to the ski area will get to hold a blue cup in their hand when they enjoy their aprs ski snacks or warm up before that first morning run.

Stevens Pass, Double Diamond Blend, Ski Lodge, Local Partnership, Olympia, Winter, Happy Skiers

Just as we have worked over the years to minimize our environmental impact in every part of our business, they too had some strict requirements from a possible partner. Our commitment to green energy in roasting, high level of material recycling and composting in operations, and of course our long lasting partnerships with farmers who practice earth friendly agriculture were good fits for the pass. And their desire to match the excellence of their parks environment with an excellent coffee for their winter and summer guests made choosing us and our beans- procured, roasted and marketed the right way- a natural fit for upping their coffee game.

Stevens Pass, Double Diamond Blend, Ski Lodge, Local Partnership, Olympia, Winter, Double Diamond Blend

Visitors this season will see our bright blue cups at two separate locations for espresso drinks. And brewed coffee throughout the park will be Dancing Goats® or Organic Whirling Dervish blend. And as of last week, as the season started to gain steam, visitors to our stores in Olympia and other locations will be able to purchase a special blend called Double Diamond. With hints of milk chocolate and tangerine, this special blend comes with a two-for-one night skiing lift coupon for park visitors. My next visit to the hill will be filled with excitement tooI love getting to meet new friends and share great coffee with them. After too long away from a set of skis, the only fear this time will be if I try to make a run. There is always next year; more good snow and hot coffee are on order.

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