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Batdorf and The Atlanta Film Festival, a Great Partnership

We love supporting companies and organizations who share our ideals whether they make coffee or omelets or evenings.

things to do in Atlanta, film, Atlanta events, Atlanta Film Festival, sponsored, Batdorf & Bronson, Plaza Theatre Sign

Once we got to know the folks with the Atlanta Film Festival we knew we were kindred spirits. The Atlanta Film Festival--one of only two-dozen Academy Award qualifying festivals in the country--is the areas preeminent celebration of cinema. In its fourth decade, it is one of the largest, longest-running festivals in the country, welcoming an audience of over 25,000 annually to discover hundreds of new independent, international, animated, documentary, and short films that are selected from 3000+ submissions from all over the world. It is also the most distinguished event in its class, recognized as Best Film Festival by Creative Loafing, Sunday Paper, 10 Best and Atlanta Magazine.

things to do in Atlanta, film, Atlanta events, Atlanta Film Festival, sponsored, Batdorf & Bronson, After Party Flyer

Festival screenings often include in-person dialog with filmmakers, providing audiences, artists and industry professionals with meaningful opportunities to interact. The Atlanta Film Festival is a membership-based 501(c)(3) arts non-profit with a mission to lead the community in creative and cultural discovery through film. Year round programs--screenings, parties, panels, & workshops--provide a forum for building the community of film lovers. By bringing audiences and filmmakers together the Festival has the opportunity to broaden the perspective of both. When Batdorf & Bronson® realized that the Festival didn't have a coffee sponsor we were gravely concerned for them, wondering how theyd ever made it without one.

things to do in Atlanta, film, Atlanta events, Atlanta Film Festival, sponsored, Batdorf & Bronson, On the Big Screen

We were a perfect fit for each other. Batdorf travels the globe searching for the best green coffee to roast for our discerning fans and the Festival travels the globe (electronically) inviting the best independent filmmakers to submit their work for possible showings. They dont present mundane offerings to their devotees and neither do we. Were the Fast to their Furious. Were the Ying to their Up the Yangtze. A match made in Heav...Hollywo Atlanta.

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