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Roaster Exchange

Arron Shively at the wheel.

From time to time we like to do a roaster exchange with our staff in Atlanta. We ship one of our Olympia roasters to our Atlanta roastery, and one of our Atlanta roasters travels up here to the Northwest. This week, our Atlanta Roastery Manager Aaron Shively is with us in rainy Washington, while Olympia Roaster and Production Supervisor Brian Meyers is sweating it out in the Atlanta heat. It's all about maintaining consistency. Every week, both our roasteries exchange samples of roasted coffees with one another to make sure our customers on both sides of the country are getting the same quality product. In the same way, the roaster exchange helps our roasters to be able to trade places and go through the roasting process with the other half of our fabulous roasting staff. Plus, it's nice for the rest of us to see their faces once in while. Welcome, Aaron!

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