Free standard shipping on orders over $60 | All others just $5*

Shipping Policies

The day your coffee arrives is important, especially when you're out! By knowing the difference between shipping methods and delivery times, you will have more reliable expectations for when your coffee should arrive and you may save a little money. Below is a list outlining some of the differences between the shipping methods we offer. Please remember that the delivery times below are based on the time that your coffee roasts and ships, which in many cases is the day after you place your order.

  • USPS Priority Mail
    2-3 day service within the US. No guarantee.
  • FedEx Express Saver
    Guaranteed 3 day service within the US. No delivery on Saturdays.
  • FedEx Home Delivery
    Guaranteed 1-7 day service within the US with delivery on Saturdays! View Map
    (Enter our ZIP code, 98501 as "Outbound")
  • FedEx 2-Day
    Guaranteed 2 day service within the US. No delivery on Saturdays.
  • FedEx Standard Overnight
    Guaranteed next day service by 4pm within the US. No delivery on Saturdays.
  • UPS Ground
    Guaranteed 1-7 day service within the US. No delivery on Saturdays. View Map
    (Enter our ZIP code, 98501 as "Shipped from...")
  • Washington State Residents
    FedEx Ground Home Delivery or UPS usually arrives the next business day after roasting.
  • UPS vs. Fedex? On average, our experience has shown that FedEx is the best service based on price, speed and reliability.
  • Least expensive?
    USPS Priority is usually the lowest priced shipping option if you live on the west coast. Choose FedEx Express Saver for packages shipping to the east coast. (FedEx Express Saver does not deliver on Saturday!)
  • Saturday Delivery?
    USPS and FedEx Home Delivery are the only services that ship Saturday. (FedEx Standard Overnight and FedEx 2-Day do not deliver on Saturdays!)
  • Tracking? - All shipping methods now provide shipment tracking. Including USPS!
  • Do you ship out of Atlanta?
    No. We currently ship all coffee for home use customers from our Olympia, Washington roastery location. Would you like to see us start shipping out of Atlanta sooner? Leave us a comment.
  • New! Free USPS Priority Shipping to Olympia
    If you are shipping to the Olympia area, you can receive free USPS Priority shipping when making online purchases over $30 dollars. Sweet!
    Note: This offer is available for a limited time only. The "Olympia area" is defined by the following zip codes: 98501, 98502, 98503, 98504, 98505, 98506, 98507, 98508, 98512, 98513 and 98516.

Shipping Policy

All orders are shipped the day the coffee order is roasted. View our Online Ordering Guide for roast days and cut-off times.

Occasionally we will offer a coffee that is in such limited supply that we will only roast it once a week. All of these coffees will have a notice on their description page regarding the shipment dates available.

Our shippers require phone numbers for both the billing and shipping addresses. This information is private and you will not be solicited. More information is available by viewing our Privacy Policy.

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