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Springtime Movin’ and Groovin’ at Dancing Goats Coffee

Thurston Talk 
May 12, 2022

Spring fever always gets us moving. Between yardwork, long walks on warm(ish) evenings, and the return of sports and activities for our kids, few things fuel Washingtonians better than caffeine. At Dancing Goats® Coffee—yes, your beloved Batdorf & Bronson® with a new name—they’ve got you covered. Latte? Drip? Hot? Cold? Beans for later? Mid-morning muffin? As easy as swinging by one of their Olympia cafes. And while the Capitol Way store may have moved down the street, it still offers the same high-quality treats with a smile.

Dancing Goats® Coffee, formerly Batdorf & Bronson®, have refreshed more than just their name with a new location this spring. Photo courtesy: Dancing Goats Coffee

The new location is only half a block down the road, on the corner of Capitol Way and Legion. Director of Business Strategy Becci Ryder and the team are excited to get settled in. “Our lease was up at our location at 516 Capitol Way,” she explains. “We have an updated Dancing Goats Coffee retail design, and the options were to try and resign the lease and have a massive remodel in the current space—including some structural work that needed to be done—or take advantage of a nice sized space up the street that was previously a coffee shop. In the current retail climate of downtown Olympia, a smaller, and easier to manage space, just made sense.”

Staff are excited to maintain their signature welcoming atmosphere and eventually return to showcasing local art and artists as well as their own branded items. “We want to offer that third space environment we’re known for outside of home and office environments,” says Ryder. “We want our community to be able to use our space as they have been, only with an updated design and look.”

Keeping their site in the heart of the city isn’t by accident either. “We’re committed to staying in downtown Olympia and supporting the downtown community,” Ryder says. “It has been our home for 35 years. If you haven’t been downtown recently, please consider coming down and visiting local businesses that are dedicated to being a part of a strong, resilient, and diverse downtown community as soon as you are able. We’d love to see you in our new space!”

The store’s soft opening was April 5, just in time to celebrate springtime cherry blossoms. Since then, they’ve received plenty of positive reviews from visitors. Store manager Krista Bentow wants to thank customers for all the good feedback they’ve received so far. “Folks love the big windows, clean aesthetic, our wallpaper, they’re happy to see our full staff in that we didn’t have to downsize or lay anyone off,” she says. “People absolutely love our coffee bins and are beyond stoked we didn’t get rid of those.”

Ryder is glad that people adapted quickly and easily to the transition. “We were in our old space for 18 years and it needed massive repairs and updating for a cost that was too high and we would have had to close which would have deeply impacted the staff and community alike,” she explains. “This was a move that made sense and kept things going as smoothly as possible.”

Since their soft opening on April 5, Dancing Goats has kept us in coffee, treats, freshly roasted beans and community smiles. Photo courtesy: Dancing Goats® Coffee

 Though open, there are still little updates and finishing touches happening at the new location. Artwork will go up soon and details refined. But service is well underway, and products are fully stocked so your daily pick-me-up can go ahead without a hitch.

Between your coffee fixes, pop over to their website to learn about the basics of coffee processing, where you can follow the journey from bean to mug, or how to choose the right grind for your at-home equipment. With nearly a dozen different types of java brewing machines, knowing the basics means each cup is delivered at peak flavor.

There are even detailed brewing tutorials for those wanting to try a different method. Whether French press, Chemex, Clever Dripper or vacuum pot, these walk you through step-by-step preparation including ideal grind, water temperature, filter type and process.

Follow Dancing Goats® Coffee on their blog or FacebookTwitterInstagram and YouTube for updates, advice and upcoming events. Can’t make it to your nearest café location? That’s ok, you can order coffeebrewing supplies, grindersaccessoriesdrinkware and gifts to be delivered to home, office or a lucky recipient. Ordering is simple via the online ordering app!

There’s nothing quite like springtime’s annual makeover to provide a lovely boost. It perks us up at winter’s end and gets us ready for the long summer months. From Batdorf & Bronson® to Dancing Goats® Coffee, and from the middle of the block to the corner at 550 South Capitol Way, Olympia’s local coffee pros are ready to take your order today.

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